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Get SMFEST License

Before you apply for
Licensing, read the Guidelines

  • What is SMFest International?
  • What is SMFEST International?

    Picture a day filled with brilliant speakers who have carved a niche for themselves in the world of technology, sharing thought-provoking ideas on leveraging technology and social media to improve our businesses and other human endeavours.

    By organizing an SMFEST event, you can create a gathering in your community that will uncover new ideas and allow participants to connect, innovate and grow.

    SMFest is a global, annual conference that brings the best and brightest minds in the world together.

    It is a platform that teaches its audience how to leverage the power of technology, social media, and innovation to advance their businesses, brands, and causes by providing ideas, exposure, and insights that help people and businesses understand how to explore all the advantages of digitalization.

    An SMFest event is held in various cities and campuses of the world. These city events are thoroughly planned and organized independently but have features in common.

  • SMFEST Format
  • SMFEST Format

    It combines well-thought-out keynote speeches, workshops, panel sessions, fireside chats, performances, games, and other fun activities. These sessions must convey ideas that can help participants chart a new course in technology or revamp what they do already.

    • Diversity of topics

    All SMFEST events have an independently chosen theme but must have various topics that will cut across different fields of endeavour. The more the variety of topics, the more fun.

    • Community-driven and bias-free content

    An SMFEST event is organized by volunteers from the City or campus and is open to conversations around technovation only. The goal is; to create a physical space for an army of young persons on social media, to utilize the forum to advance diverse creativities in the technological industry and other careers and to reinforce positive values as a strategy for combating crime and deviance.

  • What an SMFEST event is not:
  • What an SMFEST event is not

    • An SMFEST event is not an industry or marketing conference.
    • An SMFEST event is not organized by or for special-interest political, religious or commercial groups.
    • An SMFEST event cannot partner with another conference or event.
    • An SMFEST event can’t be co-branded with an institution except under specific license types like SMFEST CAMPUS.
  • SMFEST Event Types
  • SMFEST Event Types


    City Events

    The SMFEST CITY event type is organized in the cities or urban areas where you live. The event is named after the City it will hold, e.g. SMFEST Lagos. SMFEST CITY events should have in attendance at least 200 persons.

    Campus Event

    SMFEST CAMPUS is a type of SMFEST event that holds on university campuses or any other institution of higher learning. This event type is hosted on campus and should be organized by the current university administration staff, faculty or students. SMFEST CAMPUS events should have in attendance at least 200 persons.

  • Application Tips
  • Being an SMFEST organizer can be an incredible experience. It also requires a lot of commitment. Our job is to help you ensure you’re ready for the SMFEST leap.

    To host an SMFEST event in your CITY or CAMPUS, you must first obtain a license from SMFEST INTERNATIONAL.

    Pick your Event Type

    You would have to pick an event type from the two kinds of SMFEST events at the moment.

    Find a name for your Event

    Your event name will align with the City or campus where it will be held. For example, SMFEST Lagos if the vent is in the City of Lagos or SMFEST UNI-PORT if it will hold in the University of Port-Harcourt.

    You should also choose a theme independent of whatever team SMFEST INTERNATIONAL has used previously.

    Apply early

    Come up with an event date months earlier, as you will need at least three months post approval to plan and organize your event, so everyone, including your speakers, does not feel stuffed and pressured. Event applications between 4-6 weeks before approval. Be realistic and considerate with your date.


  • Critera For Applying as Licensee
  • The license to hold SMFEST in your City or campus comes with the terms of the agreement. You would need to thoroughly go through them before you continue with your decision to host an autonomous SMFEST event.


    You must have volunteered in one or more SMFEST events to apply for a license. This ensures you have experienced what an SMFEST event looks and feels like. That way, you can replicate it better.


    The SMFEST CITY event type is organized in the cities or urban areas where you live. The event is named after the City it will hold in, e.g. SMFEST Lagos. SMFEST CITY events should have in attendance at least 300 persons.


    SMFEST CAMPUS is a type of SMFEST event that holds on university campuses or any other institution of higher learning. This event type is hosted on campus and should be organized by the current university administration staff, faculty or students. SMFEST CAMPUS events should have in attendance at least 200 persons.

  • Nature of Event

    At SMFEST, we try to make learning appealing by adding sprinkles of fun to it. SMFEST is designed to infuse fun into learning. It is not an all-learning event nor an all-play event.



    In the keynote session, the speaker is expected to discuss innovations around technology. This session should last between 20-30 minutes. You can have only one, but not more than three keynote speakers.


    The workshop sessions are designed to teach strategies and skills. Speakers must be well grounded and have years of experience in the area they will be teaching on. It can be a joint workshop where everyone enjoys each session, or you can break the hall into groups based on their area of interest. You can have as many workshop sessions as your event time and the program would permit.


    In the workshop sessions, you should have four speakers from different niches discuss ideas and thoughts on subjects relating to the theme of the event. Ideally, this session should last for one hour, and every speaker should answer at least two questions in the 15 minutes allotted. SMFEST INTERNATIONAL will require a video for each panelist and a complete video of the panel session.


    The fireside chat is a relaxed interview session. This chat aims to explore the experience and journey of an outstanding creative. By outstanding creative, we mean someone who is famous and known in a particular field.


    Note that a speaker can feature in more than one category

  • Volunteering
  • If you must hold an SMFEST event in your City or country, you must recruit a team of volunteers to assist you in the taxing but worthy cause. The quality of persons in your team of volunteers is as important as the quality of your event.

    We have outlined some vital positions in making up your team of volunteers.

    These positions are:

    1. Media lead: In charge of videography and photography, projector, editing, content creation, graphics, banners etc.

    2. Speakers management lead: In charge of managing the speakers and preparing them for their speeches. They are also in charge of the welfare of these speakers.

    3. Social media lead: In charge of all your social media platforms and drive engagements for these platforms.

    4. Sponsorship and partnerships lead: Source for businesses and individuals who would want to sponsor or partner with you on your event.

    5. Secretary: In charge of documentation of all processes, meetings, expenditures and others. 

    6. Event manager: In charge of managing the entire event. Every other unit/department reports to the event manager. He or she is also responsible for getting a suitable venue for the event.

    7. Website manager: Every SMFEST CITY/CAMPUS event should and must have a website, thus the need for a website manager.

    8. Programs lead: In charge of preparing the program of events. They must consider every session and segment of the event in their planning. They should also be able to manage the time allocated for the event. 

    9. Co-Organizer: Assist the organizer in planning and executing the event.


    Note that you can create more executive roles if and when the need arises. 


  • Venue & Space
  • There is a feeling, ambience and atmosphere for an SMFEST event if we must achieve the goal of having fun while learning. We have listed some factors that can get us this result below:


    A venue/space that encourages fun and learning is important. Too compact or too free spaces may not work here. Just a venue/hall suitable for the number of participants you expect. At least 300 for City events and 200 for campus events. Decoration and lighting must come correct too.


    The stage must have a conspicuous SMFEST Logo on it. You should also add the name of the City or campus it is holding to it; for example, SMFEST SOMERSET should be placed boldly on the stage if the event is happening in Somerset.


    Your choice of venue must be accessible to your participants. You don’t want people missing their way while coming for the event or having to go through a lot of stress just to find the venue. 


    To make an SMFEST event more lively and fun, we advise you to use a venue with ample space outside to accommodate vendors, a games section and photo boots.

    The vendors are expected to pay for stands and do their business while the vent is on. These stands should be paid for as they are a way of sponsorship and income generation for you and your team.

  • Speakers & Programs
  • We believe at this point that you know and understand what an SMFEST Event is all about. We also think that you know the different speaking sessions. Below is a speaker and program guideline to assist you further.


    The theme shaped the tone of your event. It also helps decide topics to be treated and speakers that fit in.


    You can decide to put out a call for speakers and select from entries or go ahead to suggest the speakers you think can deliver the theme.


    Whether you put out a call for speakers or suggest speakers, you will need to choose from the lot the ones that best fit into the program.


    Send a mail to selected speakers saying they have been nominated as speakers for the event. Their response should decide what happens next. If it is positive, then you can go ahead to prepare them for the big day.

    If one or more speakers decline the invitation, you can look for an alternative speaker. It is best to have alternative speakers in the box in situations like this.

    PREPARE SPEAKERS                                     

    • Give topics that resonate with the theme, get them to rehearse their speech, and send questions and guidelines to panellists to aid them in preparing.
    • Get a summary of the keynote speech.
    • Get four panellists across different fields, ask them questions on topics relating to the theme, and get 5 videos from the session, one for each speaker and a general video.
    • Each panellist should have 15 minutes of talk time and be able to answer two questions.


    Your program is at the core of your event, so carefully draw out an event schedule that will flow properly.

  • Event Promotions & Branding
  • SMFEST is heavy on promotions as it is undoubtedly an effective way to drive traffic to your pages and attendance for the vent. The wealth of knowledge shared on SMFEST stages should go viral.

    Here are some necessities for branding and promoting your SMFEST event.


    Every SMFEST event must have a page on the SMFEST International website where other members of the SMFEST community can find and relate with you.


    Every SMFEST event must have its website to create an avenue for event updates, news, videos, pictures, blog posts and other essential details.


    Create social media profiles to boost popularity and visibility and create awareness for the forthcoming event.


    Do not neglect the terrestrial media in promotion and advertising. You can use the local press to publicize the event within the City.


    Videos and pictures from your event should also be publicized. Note that video Keynote speeches, panel sessions and Fireside chats will only be posted on the SMFest International YouTube channel.


  • Participants
  • SMFest is not just an event. It is an experience for the organizer, volunteers and participants alike, and this experience extends to the audience. Here are ways to make sure this experience is maximized.


    You might want to be more mindful about the kind of participants you want at your event. SMFest is for people interested in growing, connecting with like minds and innovation. The right event deserves the right participant.

  • Pre Event Engagements
  • You should start building your SMFEST community before the event D-day. Apart from planning your event and inviting participants, the time from approval to your event is also to allow you to build your community before the event day. You must find ways to engage them and keep their expectations high. Here are ways you can go about this. 

    • Engage them on social media: Make posts daily; posts that trigger reactions and engagements.

    • Send the update via email: Give the updates on the progress of your event. Remember not to give out too much information as the goal is not to quench their expectation but to stimulate and tickle it. 

    • Host a pre-event challenge: It could be a trivia, dance competition, poetry competition or anything that can keep them engaged and their adrenaline pumping.


    SMFEST events are not limited to on-site participation, so we advise you to make room for online participation, but ensure it is exclusive to those who paid to be virtual participants.


    On the day of the event, participants should be able to have an experience that meets and exceed their expectations. Remember, the idea is to have fun while learning. Remember, games, networking sessions, and contests can help make this happen.

    Actually, we strongly recommend these activities.


  • Setting a Budget
  • Planning an SMFEST event requires money, but it is a prerequisite to draw a budget plan before you seek sponsorships. How much do you need for your event, what do you need the money for, etc.

    Before you raise money, you’ll want to know what you need to raise funds for. Every aspect of the event that requires money should be considered and documented. Have a clear, precise budget with budget heads that sponsors can appreciate.


  • Sponsorship & Finance
  • Now that we have established the fact that you need money to host an SMFEST event, you will need to find sponsors for your event. Not just sponsorship but partnerships. That way, every party gains something.

    Meet philanthropists,  businesses, companies, startups, etc in your City and beyond, sell the vision behind the event to them, and how it can better society, their brands, and businesses. We are sure a good number will be glad to partner with you.


  • Video/Photography
  • As earlier stated, the media team is in charge of video/video production and photography, among other media-related tasks.

    These pictures and videos give you post-event engagement content for your website and should be kept as your document.

    Do not forget that videos from the talk sessions will be posted on the SMFEST International youtube channel.

  • Post-Event
  • We know at this point; that you would love to take a break from every appearance of work but not so fast. There are a few post-event tasks you need to tidy up before that break, as this will form a part of the considerations should you want to host another edition of SMFEST.


    Some of these tasks are:


    SMFEST requires you to submit the necessary videos at least 4 weeks after the event. These videos include; the panel sessions, keynote speech(es), fireside chat and a highlight of the event (not more than 3 minutes). It is best to submit the videos before the deadline.


    Update your personal website and your page on the SMFEST International website with recent pictures and updates from the just concluded event. 

  • Renew License
  • Congratulations on successfully hosting your event. If you are still interested in organizing another SMFEST event in your City/Campus, here are a few criteria you would have to meet to qualify you for license renewal.

    • Your last SMFEST event videos’ must have been submitted, approved and uploaded on the YouTube website
    • You must have updated your website and page
    • Met the minimum required participants attendance for your event (300 for City and 200 for Campus events).


    To renew your license, you will have to apply for renewal. In this application, summarize what ideas and concepts you would love to share on your next event and theme.

    Also, give a well-prepared review of the impact of your last event. We want to be sure SMFEST is valuable to your City or Campus.

    We advise you to brainstorm with your team to develop a worthy application. If you would like to hand over the position to someone else, kindly state it in your application.

    The application for license renewal should be sent 6 months after your last event; otherwise, the spot will be made open and deemed non-committed to a particular person.

    This automatically means you’ll require a new application to organize another SMFEST event again and not a renewal. Note that SMFEST International retains the absolute discretion to deny such ‘hitched’ application.


What is SMFEST International?

Picture a day filled with brilliant speakers who have carved a niche for themselves in the world of technology, sharing thought-provoking ideas on leveraging technology and social media to improve our businesses and other human endeavours.

By organizing an SMFEST event, you can create a gathering in your community that will uncover new ideas and allow participants to connect, innovate and grow.

SMFest is a global, annual conference that brings the best and brightest minds in the world together.

It is a platform that teaches its audience how to leverage the power of technology, social media, and innovation to advance their businesses, brands, and causes by providing ideas, exposure, and insights that help people and businesses understand how to explore all the advantages of digitalization.

An SMFest event is held in various cities and campuses of the world. These city events are thoroughly planned and organized independently but have features in common.


It combines well-thought-out keynote speeches, workshops, panel sessions, fireside chats, performances, games, and other fun activities. These sessions must convey ideas that can help participants chart a new course in technology or revamp what they do already.

  • Diversity of topics

All SMFEST events have an independently chosen theme but must have various topics that will cut across different fields of endeavour. The more the variety of topics, the more fun.

  • Community-driven and bias-free content

An SMFEST event is organized by volunteers from the City or campus and is open to conversations around technovation only. The goal is; to create a physical space for an army of young persons on social media, to utilize the forum to advance diverse creativities in the technological industry and other careers and to reinforce positive values as a strategy for combating crime and deviance.

What an SMFEST event is not

  • An SMFEST event is not an industry or marketing conference.
  • An SMFEST event is not organized by or for special-interest political, religious or commercial groups.
  • An SMFEST event cannot partner with another conference or event.
  • An SMFEST event can’t be co-branded with an institution except under specific license types like SMFEST CAMPUS.

SMFEST Event Types


City Events

The SMFEST CITY event type is organized in the cities or urban areas where you live. The event is named after the City it will hold, e.g. SMFEST Lagos. SMFEST CITY events should have in attendance at least 200 persons.

Campus Event

SMFEST CAMPUS is a type of SMFEST event that holds on university campuses or any other institution of higher learning. This event type is hosted on campus and should be organized by the current university administration staff, faculty or students. SMFEST CAMPUS events should have in attendance at least 200 persons.

Being an SMFEST organizer can be an incredible experience. It also requires a lot of commitment. Our job is to help you ensure you’re ready for the SMFEST leap.

To host an SMFEST event in your CITY or CAMPUS, you must first obtain a license from SMFEST INTERNATIONAL.

Pick your Event Type

You would have to pick an event type from the two kinds of SMFEST events at the moment.

Find a name for your Event

Your event name will align with the City or campus where it will be held. For example, SMFEST Lagos if the vent is in the City of Lagos or SMFEST UNI-PORT if it will hold in the University of Port-Harcourt.

You should also choose a theme independent of whatever team SMFEST INTERNATIONAL has used previously.

Apply early

Come up with an event date months earlier, as you will need at least three months post approval to plan and organize your event, so everyone, including your speakers, does not feel stuffed and pressured. Event applications between 4-6 weeks before approval. Be realistic and considerate with your date.


The license to hold SMFEST in your City or campus comes with the terms of the agreement. You would need to thoroughly go through them before you continue with your decision to host an autonomous SMFEST event.


You must have volunteered in one or more SMFEST events to apply for a license. This ensures you have experienced what an SMFEST event looks and feels like. That way, you can replicate it better.


The SMFEST CITY event type is organized in the cities or urban areas where you live. The event is named after the City it will hold in, e.g. SMFEST Lagos. SMFEST CITY events should have in attendance at least 300 persons.


SMFEST CAMPUS is a type of SMFEST event that holds on university campuses or any other institution of higher learning. This event type is hosted on campus and should be organized by the current university administration staff, faculty or students. SMFEST CAMPUS events should have in attendance at least 200 persons.


At SMFEST, we try to make learning appealing by adding sprinkles of fun to it. SMFEST is designed to infuse fun into learning. It is not an all-learning event nor an all-play event.



In the keynote session, the speaker is expected to discuss innovations around technology. This session should last between 20-30 minutes. You can have only one, but not more than three keynote speakers.


The workshop sessions are designed to teach strategies and skills. Speakers must be well grounded and have years of experience in the area they will be teaching on. It can be a joint workshop where everyone enjoys each session, or you can break the hall into groups based on their area of interest. You can have as many workshop sessions as your event time and the program would permit.


In the workshop sessions, you should have four speakers from different niches discuss ideas and thoughts on subjects relating to the theme of the event. Ideally, this session should last for one hour, and every speaker should answer at least two questions in the 15 minutes allotted. SMFEST INTERNATIONAL will require a video for each panelist and a complete video of the panel session.


The fireside chat is a relaxed interview session. This chat aims to explore the experience and journey of an outstanding creative. By outstanding creative, we mean someone who is famous and known in a particular field.


Note that a speaker can feature in more than one category

If you must hold an SMFEST event in your City or country, you must recruit a team of volunteers to assist you in the taxing but worthy cause. The quality of persons in your team of volunteers is as important as the quality of your event.

We have outlined some vital positions in making up your team of volunteers.

These positions are:

  1. Media lead: In charge of videography and photography, projector, editing, content creation, graphics, banners etc.

  2. Speakers management lead: In charge of managing the speakers and preparing them for their speeches. They are also in charge of the welfare of these speakers.

  3. Social media lead: In charge of all your social media platforms and drive engagements for these platforms.

  4. Sponsorship and partnerships lead: Source for businesses and individuals who would want to sponsor or partner with you on your event.

  5. Secretary: In charge of documentation of all processes, meetings, expenditures and others. 

  6. Event manager: In charge of managing the entire event. Every other unit/department reports to the event manager. He or she is also responsible for getting a suitable venue for the event.

  7. Website manager: Every SMFEST CITY/CAMPUS event should and must have a website, thus the need for a website manager.

  8. Programs lead: In charge of preparing the program of events. They must consider every session and segment of the event in their planning. They should also be able to manage the time allocated for the event. 

  9. Co-Organizer: Assist the organizer in planning and executing the event.


Note that you can create more executive roles if and when the need arises. 


There is a feeling, ambience and atmosphere for an SMFEST event if we must achieve the goal of having fun while learning. We have listed some factors that can get us this result below:


A venue/space that encourages fun and learning is important. Too compact or too free spaces may not work here. Just a venue/hall suitable for the number of participants you expect. At least 300 for City events and 200 for campus events. Decoration and lighting must come correct too.


The stage must have a conspicuous SMFEST Logo on it. You should also add the name of the City or campus it is holding to it; for example, SMFEST SOMERSET should be placed boldly on the stage if the event is happening in Somerset.


Your choice of venue must be accessible to your participants. You don’t want people missing their way while coming for the event or having to go through a lot of stress just to find the venue. 


To make an SMFEST event more lively and fun, we advise you to use a venue with ample space outside to accommodate vendors, a games section and photo boots.

The vendors are expected to pay for stands and do their business while the vent is on. These stands should be paid for as they are a way of sponsorship and income generation for you and your team.

We believe at this point that you know and understand what an SMFEST Event is all about. We also think that you know the different speaking sessions. Below is a speaker and program guideline to assist you further.


The theme shaped the tone of your event. It also helps decide topics to be treated and speakers that fit in.


You can decide to put out a call for speakers and select from entries or go ahead to suggest the speakers you think can deliver the theme.


Whether you put out a call for speakers or suggest speakers, you will need to choose from the lot the ones that best fit into the program.


Send a mail to selected speakers saying they have been nominated as speakers for the event. Their response should decide what happens next. If it is positive, then you can go ahead to prepare them for the big day.

If one or more speakers decline the invitation, you can look for an alternative speaker. It is best to have alternative speakers in the box in situations like this.

PREPARE SPEAKERS                                     

  • Give topics that resonate with the theme, get them to rehearse their speech, and send questions and guidelines to panellists to aid them in preparing.
  • Get a summary of the keynote speech.
  • Get four panellists across different fields, ask them questions on topics relating to the theme, and get 5 videos from the session, one for each speaker and a general video.
  • Each panellist should have 15 minutes of talk time and be able to answer two questions.


Your program is at the core of your event, so carefully draw out an event schedule that will flow properly.

SMFEST is heavy on promotions as it is undoubtedly an effective way to drive traffic to your pages and attendance for the vent. The wealth of knowledge shared on SMFEST stages should go viral.

Here are some necessities for branding and promoting your SMFEST event.


Every SMFEST event must have a page on the SMFEST International website where other members of the SMFEST community can find and relate with you.


Every SMFEST event must have its website to create an avenue for event updates, news, videos, pictures, blog posts and other essential details.


Create social media profiles to boost popularity and visibility and create awareness for the forthcoming event.


Do not neglect the terrestrial media in promotion and advertising. You can use the local press to publicize the event within the City.


Videos and pictures from your event should also be publicized. Note that video Keynote speeches, panel sessions and Fireside chats will only be posted on the SMFest International YouTube channel.


SMFest is not just an event. It is an experience for the organizer, volunteers and participants alike, and this experience extends to the audience. Here are ways to make sure this experience is maximized.


You might want to be more mindful about the kind of participants you want at your event. SMFest is for people interested in growing, connecting with like minds and innovation. The right event deserves the right participant.

You should start building your SMFEST community before the event D-day. Apart from planning your event and inviting participants, the time from approval to your event is also to allow you to build your community before the event day. You must find ways to engage them and keep their expectations high. Here are ways you can go about this. 

  • Engage them on social media: Make posts daily; posts that trigger reactions and engagements.

  • Send the update via email: Give the updates on the progress of your event. Remember not to give out too much information as the goal is not to quench their expectation but to stimulate and tickle it. 

  • Host a pre-event challenge: It could be a trivia, dance competition, poetry competition or anything that can keep them engaged and their adrenaline pumping.


SMFEST events are not limited to on-site participation, so we advise you to make room for online participation, but ensure it is exclusive to those who paid to be virtual participants.


On the day of the event, participants should be able to have an experience that meets and exceed their expectations. Remember, the idea is to have fun while learning. Remember, games, networking sessions, and contests can help make this happen.

Actually, we strongly recommend these activities.


Planning an SMFEST event requires money, but it is a prerequisite to draw a budget plan before you seek sponsorships. How much do you need for your event, what do you need the money for, etc.

Before you raise money, you’ll want to know what you need to raise funds for. Every aspect of the event that requires money should be considered and documented. Have a clear, precise budget with budget heads that sponsors can appreciate.


Now that we have established the fact that you need money to host an SMFEST event, you will need to find sponsors for your event. Not just sponsorship but partnerships. That way, every party gains something.

Meet philanthropists,  businesses, companies, startups, etc in your City and beyond, sell the vision behind the event to them, and how it can better society, their brands, and businesses. We are sure a good number will be glad to partner with you.


As earlier stated, the media team is in charge of video/video production and photography, among other media-related tasks.

These pictures and videos give you post-event engagement content for your website and should be kept as your document.

Do not forget that videos from the talk sessions will be posted on the SMFEST International youtube channel.

We know at this point; that you would love to take a break from every appearance of work but not so fast. There are a few post-event tasks you need to tidy up before that break, as this will form a part of the considerations should you want to host another edition of SMFEST.


Some of these tasks are:


SMFEST requires you to submit the necessary videos at least 4 weeks after the event. These videos include; the panel sessions, keynote speech(es), fireside chat and a highlight of the event (not more than 3 minutes). It is best to submit the videos before the deadline.


Update your personal website and your page on the SMFEST International website with recent pictures and updates from the just concluded event. 

Congratulations on successfully hosting your event. If you are still interested in organizing another SMFEST event in your City/Campus, here are a few criteria you would have to meet to qualify you for license renewal.

  • Your last SMFEST event videos’ must have been submitted, approved and uploaded on the YouTube website
  • You must have updated your website and page
  • Met the minimum required participants attendance for your event (300 for City and 200 for Campus events).


To renew your license, you will have to apply for renewal. In this application, summarize what ideas and concepts you would love to share on your next event and theme.

Also, give a well-prepared review of the impact of your last event. We want to be sure SMFEST is valuable to your City or Campus.

We advise you to brainstorm with your team to develop a worthy application. If you would like to hand over the position to someone else, kindly state it in your application.

The application for license renewal should be sent 6 months after your last event; otherwise, the spot will be made open and deemed non-committed to a particular person.

This automatically means you’ll require a new application to organize another SMFEST event again and not a renewal. Note that SMFEST International retains the absolute discretion to deny such ‘hitched’ application.


Licensee Agreement 

Before submitting an application to register an SMFest City or Campus event, you’re required by SMFEST to agree and accept the following license. Make sure you have read and understand all of the SMFest rules before you agree to this license.

1) SMFest License:

When you accept the terms and conditions below, SMFEST (SMFEST International) will grant you an SMFest, non-exclusive, revocable license (the “License”) to use the SMFest name, logo, trademarks, service marks, materials made available for reproduction on the SMFest website, the specific event name (the “Event Name”) and SMFest sub-domain web page (the “Web Page”) assigned to your SMFest event (collectively, the “Intellectual Property”) only in connection with one (1) SMFest event. Your use of the Intellectual Property must comply with the terms set forth herein, and you must abide by the Event Basics / Talk Content / Licensing Basics / Branding + Naming / Sponsors + Funding / Media + Distribution / Web + Social / Uploading Talks SMFest rules as modified from time to time by SMFEST in its sole discretion, which are incorporated in this License. If you wish to hold any additional SMFest events, you must submit another event application for each such event.

The term of this License will begin upon your acceptance of these terms by clicking “I AGREE” below and will end upon the earlier of (i) SMFEST’s termination of your License and/or termination of access to your SMFest sub-domain web page at any time if you should breach any of the terms of this License or termination by SMFEST for any other reason, in SMFEST’s sole discretion; (ii) the conclusion of your one (1) SMFest event; or (iii) twelve (12) months from the date of commencement of the term of this License (the “Term”). The Intellectual Property may be used solely to promote your SMFest event, and in no event shall you or any person or entity that organizes, participates in, or performs services regarding your SMFest event, use the Intellectual Property, or the SMFEST name, logo, trademarks or service marks, for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, the sale of books, articles, publications, audio recordings, videos or other media, without the prior written consent of SMFEST.

Without limiting in any way, the generality of the foregoing, the Intellectual Property shall not be used (a) to sponsor, endorse or suggest an affiliation with any third party, or (b) in connection with any work or service purporting to offer guidance on how to host a successful SMFEST event, or how to get chosen to host an SMFEST event. For clarity, this provision shall not prohibit you from accurately characterizing yourself as a SMFest event organizer or from authoring works or providing services that offer guidance on event management, event hosting, etc provided that such works and/or services shall not in any way refer to SMFEST. This prohibition shall survive the termination of the License.

Licensed SMFest events are events organized independently from SMFEST International, so all promotion of your SMFest event must clearly identify the event as an SMFest event other than that and may not directly or indirectly suggest that your event independent of SMFEST International’s direct event. You may not transfer, sublicense or assign the License and/or your rights to use the Intellectual Property. SMFEST may require you to stop using the Intellectual Property in connection with your SMFest event and may terminate all access to your SMFest sub-domain web page at any time. If you do not use the SMFest trademarks or service marks according to the quality control guidelines set forth in the Event Basics / Talk Content / Licensing Basics / Branding + Naming / Sponsors + Funding / Media + Distribution / Web + Social / Uploading Talks SMFest rules, your License may be terminated. SMFEST may modify, amend, supplement and/or replace the terms and conditions of this License in writing at any time.

2) Event Names:

Event Names must comply with the SMFest rules and the Naming rules. All Event Names will be owned exclusively by SMFEST and are licensed to you according to these terms and conditions. You will have the right to use your Event Name solely during the Term. After the Term, your right to use the Event Name expires; provided however, if you apply for another SMFest event prior to the end of the Term you may request to use the same Event Name for the term of your new license. In the event you have not actually used the Event Name for an SMFest event during the Term of this License or upon your application for another SMFest event, SMFEST reserves the right to terminate your use of that Event Name. Notwithstanding the foregoing, SMFEST reserves the right to terminate your use of a particular Event Name at any time, in which case all your rights to use the Event Name will cease and SMFEST Internataional may use such Event Name in its sole discretion.

3) Waiver of Liability:

  1. a) You will be responsible for all resources, equipment, staff, lodging, food, or other materials necessary or required for your SMFest event. SMFEST will not be responsible or liable for providing you with any resources, personnel or materials other than any online resources made available by SMFEST International on the SMFest website.
  2. b) You must have personal medical and/or health insurance coverage while participating in or conducting any physical or athletic activities at your SMFest event. You must maintain sufficient insurance to cover liability for bodily injury, property damage, death, product liability and advertising injury arising out of your activities related to your SMFest event. The policy must contain a combined single limit of liability of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) in the aggregate. You must name SMFEST as an additional insured on all applicable insurance policies.

4) Privacy obligations:

As an SMFest Organizer you and your team will be collecting and storing personally identifiable information from your SMFest speakers, team members and attendees (“SMFest-related Personal Information”). You agree never to sell SMFest-related Personal Information to any third parties and agree not to provide SMFest-related Personal Information to any third party without proper consent or permission of SMFEST International. You agree to follow the applicable privacy laws in your jurisdiction. You agree to process the SMFest-related Personal Information lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner. This includes implementing the following measures as applicable in your jurisdiction:

  1. a) You will implement administrative, physical and technical safeguards to prevent disclosure, accidental access by unauthorized parties, and to maintain confidentiality.
  2. b) You agree to communicate to the individuals that provided you with SMFest-related Personal Information the following: (i) what information you collect, (ii) how you collect it, (iii) if you, as SMFest Organizer, disclose their personal information to any third party; and (iv) a method to delete, modify or update their personal information. In the event local laws require consent, please take steps to track and record consent before or during registration.
  3. c) You agree to communicate to speakers, attendees and team members how you will collect, store, manage SMFest-related Personal Information. As part of your communication, all purposes for which the data will be used by SMFEST and the SMFest event organizing team should be disclosed, including the following: (i) posting information about the SMFest event and talks on SMFEST websites and social media, (ii) maintaining SMFest event speaker information, (iii) providing SMFest event attendees with surveys to evaluate the events they attend, and (iv) to maintain information about the SMFest license. You may also disclose that when receiving SMFest-related Personal Information for these purposes, that SMFEST will process and manage this information in accordance with SMFEST’s privacy policy on

5) Forum and Choice of Law:

The terms of this License Agreement and the rights, obligations and performance of the Parties hereunder shall be governed by the laws of Nigeria, without regard to conflict of laws principles. Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be settled by binding arbitration conducted in Nigeria, which shall be governed by the applicable Arbitration Rules in Nigeria. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered in any court of competent jurisdiction. You agree that the terms of this License are the entire agreement between you and SMFEST supersede all communications of any kind between you and SMFEST with respect to the License and any guidelines, rules or policies incorporated in this License.

By selecting the boxes beside the text “I agree to the terms of the SMFest License Agreement” and “I have read and understood the SMFest Rules…” on the license application form, you are indicating your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this License and your review and approval of the following SMFEST policies:

Host SMFEST in your City or Campus

Ever thought of hosting an SMFest event in your City or Campus?

Apply now by filling the form

By organizing an SMFEST event in your City or Campus, you will create a gathering in your community that uncovers new ideas and allow participants to connect, innovate and grow.